

Council meets at least four times per year and will make decisions on any matters which are not delegated to standing committees, including setting the precept, approving the budget, approving policies, approving the annual statement of accounts, writing off monies or the sale or acquisition of land.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees may make decisions within the parameters of their Terms of Reference and may authorise expenditure for their specific budgets.

Sub Committees

Sub Committees may be formed to discuss and review specific matters in greater detail than would be possible at a standing committee. They may not make decisions or authorise expenditure unless otherwise stated in their Terms of Reference, but will make recommendations to the parent committee.

Joint Committees

Joint committees may be set up between the Town Council and another body, such as the local authority.

Task and Finish Group

Task and Finish Groups may be appointed to undertake research or complete a task. They may not make decisions or authorise expenditure, but will make recommendations to the parent committee.

Working Parties

Working parties are appointed by a Committee to undertake research or complete a task. Non councillor members may be appointed to join. Working parties may not make decisions or authorise expenditure, but will make recommendations to the parent committee.

Annual Parish Meeting