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Welcome to Buzzard Trails, home to interactive trails in Leighton-Linslade.

The Buzzard Trails app is a hub for interactive trails that take place in and around Leighton Buzzard and Linslade.

Each trail contains a map, that shows you your exact location on the trial route, along with notifications to tell you when you are near one of the trail stops.  At each stop you will find clues, images, information and in some cases audio, that help you to enjoy the history and culture of Leighton-Linslade.

Download the Buzzard Trails app on The App Store or Google Play

If you prefer a paper trail, you can pick these up at the Library in Leighton Buzzard or from the Town Council office at The White House on Hockliffe Street, LU7 1HD between 9.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday.  Or you can print your own at home, using the links below.

Follow each route or mix and match locations of interest to you.

Lht Social (10)

The Living History Trail

Discover who walked down these streets before you, with a glimpse into the lives of the ordinary townsfolk of Leighton-Linslade and the impact they left on the town’s history.  The Living History Trail celebrates the lives of the people who have lived and worked in the town, with each story linked to a building or monument.

Each point on the trail is marked by a blue and yellow tile on the pavement.  Can you find all 12 locations within the Town Centre?

Download the Buzzard Trails app (using the app store links above) or print your own copy of the Living History Trail Map. 

If you are completing the trail with children, you can download and print our Living History Trail Workbook.

You can read the stories of the people who have lived and worked in our town here: https://www.leightonlinslade-tc.gov.uk/livinghistorytrail-storiesofourpeople/

Llct Mouse Circle 3

The Children's Trail

The enchanting Leighton-Linslade Children’s Trail takes you on a journey around the Town Centre, where you’ll discover 22 hidden artworks, each inspired by popular children’s books.  Children will enjoy seeking out the characters, quotes and objects as they follow the trail map and try to complete the clues in order to claim their reward!

The Children’s Trail was partly inspired by the books of Mary Norton, who lived as a child and set her book ‘The Borrowers’ in the Manor House, now Leighton Middle School.

Engage with the trail in various ways:

  • Visit the Library: Pick up a paper copy of the trail map from the Library. Here you can also delve into the enchanting children’s books that served as inspiration for each trail stop as well as claim your reward for completing the trail!
  • Download the Buzzard Trails app for an interactive trail map with additional content, clues, location alerts and images of the trail.
  • Print your own Children’s Trail map at home using the link.
  • Connect on Social Media: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates about activities linked to the trail.

Every child who takes part in the Children’s Trail can collect a small reward from the Library on Lake Street or from the LLTC office at The White House on Hockliffe Street, LU7 1HD.

Find out more about The Children’s Trail.

Sands Of Time

Sands of Time Trail

The Sands of Time audio trail gives an insight into local heritage and tradition through memories of the people connected with the sand trade, in their own words. Working alongside the Greensand Trust, this trail features highlights of the Sands of Time Trail from within Leighton-Linslade.

The Sands of Time Trail recounts memories of people with a connection to sand and the large number of quarries that used to operate in the local area. Originally supported through the Heritage Lottery Fund in 2010, the Greensand Trust Sands Museum created a legacy of 33 recorded interviews, an online Sand Museum and an audio trail marked with sand cast plaques around Leighton Buzzard, Linslade and Heath & Reach.

Download the Buzzard Trails App to see the route and listen to clips of the original interviews containing unique memories and helping to preserve the fast-disappearing local heritage and traditions.

To find the full Sands of Time Trail and access further interviews and information, visit The Sand Museum Virtual Archive


Download the app using the links below:

Available on the App Store

Get it on Google Play


If you have any questions or concerns about the trails, or need to report any issues, please contact us on: 01525 631920 or info@leightonlinslade-tc.gov.uk